Well hello! I needed a really quick thank you/Christmas gift for wonderful girl who helped by daughter during her first Irish Step Dancing Competition. My daughter was so incredibly nervous, I thought she might get sick (she did a few hours after the competition) and this 13 year old talked to my daughter and danced with her in the hallway until she felt better. My daughter ended up getting a third place trophy in one of her 4 competitions. Whew!
So what do you do for a 13 yr old. Well, as it so happens the dirty girls over at SCS have focused their attention on just that this month!! I altered a composition book for her, hopefully she will like the paper my daughter and I chose for her. Please let me apologize for the quality of this picture. I wanted to show the cute tabs and it was dark already outside and we HAD to go! I took one quick picture before I wrapped it up and left for dance class. I am getting stressed out just thinking about it again. The oval in the frame says Dance.
Recipe~ Paper: DP I believe is from Jo's (I've had it for awhile), River Rock. Ink: Choc Chip for distressing. Other: Basic Grey rub0on stitches, Funky Vintage Tags & Shapes and Fabulous Flowers from Making Memories, Heart Brads, Making Memories Vintage Brad, K & Co. oval (Dance)
Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope everything is going well with your holiday preparations.