I have been tagged by Chat from
Me, My Stamps and I to tell 7 random little known
things about myself, well I am supposed to tag 7 others, I am sooo new at this blogging thing I have 2 people to tag, but sadly no others. Please considered yourself tagged if you want to play and leave a message here

1. In my previous life, before SAHM, I was a cake decorator. My mom and I had a shop together for about 10 years!
2. I married my high school sweetheart, but only after running into him at college.
3. I have a degree in marketing.
4. In November, I am going to be featured in a local magazine highlighting some of the volunteer work I do.
5. I am the PTA President at my DD's elementary school.
6. This is much more difficult than I thought it would be:)
7. I am currently working on 350 Christmas card for the company my DH and I own. (some of my stalking pals do know that, because that is all I can think about right now)
Well, there you go!