Diane from
Diane's Designs tagged me to list 7 little known things about myself. Thanks Diane, I think it's great to learn a little something new about my fellow bloggers! Well, I played this about a month or so ago and I really need to expand my little circle of blogging friends. As Diane said, one of the benefits of playing this is that we might discover some blogs we haven't been to before. Well, I know that a least a couple of dozen people stop by here everyday and I would love to get a chance to plug your blog. So consider yourself tagged and leave a message on this post and I will link to your blog and give it a little review! I really want to get to know some of you so I will also be including a little random giveaway for those that post a link to their blog. If you don't have a blog, just leave a little love note:) I will have the drawing on Friday, January 4.
1. In my previous life, before SAHM, I was a cake decorator. My mom and I had a shop together for about 10 years!
2. I married a boy from high school, but only after running into him in college.
3. I have a degree in marketing.
4. In November, I was featured in a local magazine highlighting some of the volunteer work I do.
5. I am the PTA President at my DD's elementary school.
6. This is way more difficult than I thought it would be:)
7. I have a little chocolate, coffee, and wine almost everyday!
Happy New Year!
I will be ubdating this part of the post as people share their blogs with us!
Sandy Smart, who I has been so incredibly supportive of me and my blog since I started, has a wonderful blog called
The Cozy Chair. Please stop by and say hello to her. If you are into selling your stuff, Sandy and some great ideas for projects that sell!
Mudmaven, Chris, has a brand new blog and I am sure would love a little encouragement in her endeavor!
Stampin' When I Can, has a blog that is dedicated to all things going on in the blogging world of stamping. It is so cool that she gets all this information together in one place. I don't know how she keeps track of it all, but I am really grateful for her doing it!
Annelies, invited us to stop by her blog even though it is in Dutch. I think we all know all we need is a picture when we are admiring another artist's work.
Jannette, also has a brand new blog, this one in Spanish. How fun is it that this art form crosses many borders!
PR Designs, has been showing of some of her projects for the last month including a gingerbread house and a new coat of paint for her bedroom.
Crafty Kid, has got her own giveaway going on, and can I tell you I am going to do all I can to win hers. She gives you extra chances to win for doing different things. Really fun projects there as well!