You asked for it, here it is!!!! I just want to take a minute to say how thrilled I am to do this tutorial. I signed up at SCS in July of 2007. I really wasn't doing much with my stamps up until then. I found that the challenges really motivated me to get some cards done and every week it seems I found a new tutorial showing me something I hadn't tried before. I feel like I have something to learn from everyone, from those like Beate who do tutorials to anyone who posts a picture in the gallery. I am so happy to be contributing to this wonderful addiction...mmmm hobby. So here is my first tutorial!

1- 12 x 12 sheet of cardstock
Paper Trimer,
Hole Punch,
Glue Stick,
Double Sided Sticky Strip,
Distressing Ink, dauber (optional),
1. From Cardstock cut (all 12" long)
8 strips 3/4" wide,
9 strips 1/8" wide,
7 strips 1/2" wide,
2 strips 5/8" wide.

2. Ink edges of wider strips on the side that will be the outside of your basket. (This is optional, I like the depth the ink adds to the basket)

3. Create the base of the basket by crossing the 3/4" strips as shown. Use a glue stick to secure each overlapping section in the center.

4. From the 1/8" strips Create three 36" long strips with a glue stick. This will allow you to use a more continuous weave when you start your basket.

With distressed side facing down, start weaving with the 1/8 " strips. Start about 2" from the center. It will be loose when you start and you shouldn't have to tug too hard on the weaving strip. If you are having a hard time getting started you could use a little glue to hold the 1/8" paper in place. After the first row of weaving is done it is helpful to fold up the 3/4" strip where it meets the 1/8" strip. This becomes the bottom of your basket.

Continue weaving in the other strips of 1/8' x 36" strips. With a continuous weave you have to skip a weave when you get back to your starting point. It shouldn't be too noticable once the weaving is finished.

5. Glue the ends of 2 of the 1/2" strips together to create a 24" long strip. Weave that above the smaller row. This will not be a continous weave. Trim the remainder of the strip and glue that to the end of another 1/2" strip. This will be long enough to do the next row of weaving. Repeat for the third row. You will use what's left of the 1/2" strips for some finishing work on the basket.

6. Trim corners of one end of the 5/8" strip. Adhere 1/2" strip to the top with 1/2" folded behind to create the finishing detail as seen in the picture below on the right.

Trim each strip to 8"

7. Starting 1/4" in from decorative edge, make 6 marks 1 1/4" apart. Punch holes, adhere brads to front side, flip over and attach 5 1/2" length of ribbon with double sided tape behind the 3rd and 5th brads. Add strip of double sided tape to entire length of both trim pieces.

8. Attach trim pieces just above the last row of weaving. Leave enough unattached to tuck the tail end of the second piece under the first.

10. Trim excess strips to slightly under the top of the trim.

11. Adhere sticky strip to 2 longest lenghts of leftover 1/2 strips.

Adhere to inside top of basket to cover trimmed edges.

Easy peasy right!
I am sooo excited to see what you come up with. Please, please, please leave a message with a link to your baskets!
Thanks for stamping by!
This is SO unbelievably awesome. You make it look eaier than I think it probably is--but I might just give it a try cuz' your two baskets are to die for! Thanks so much for taking the time to your tutorial which, by the way, is fantastic. I'll be sure to post mine if I finally make one. Thanks again for sharing your talent with us!
thanks so much for the step by step directions! I am going to give this a try! I hope they look like yours!
WOW, Laura...awesome tutorial! All the time and effort you put into this for all us addicts, er, um, I mean stampers is unbelieveable...thanks so much..I'll give it a shot..I'll post when i get it done!
Thanks again, girlie!
BTW...beautiful weather we're having, huh?
talk to you soon,
This is incredible! Your talent and patience is amazing - love how you concealed the back of the brads - so neatly finished!
Laura, thanks so much for taking the time to work out the tutorial for us! Will have to try it when I am feeling really ambitious!
Laura, this is so cool!!!! I love it and I think I will give it a try right now.
Thanks for the tutorial.
God bless
Wow - this one is just as gorgeous as the other one! Great tutorial...I am going to have to try this out! I'm hooked on your blog now!
Barb M.
Thanks so much, you did a great job on the basket and the tutorial. I will have to try one this weekend. I really appreciate the directions, and the step by step photos are wonderful. Thanks again. Janet, Summerville, SC
That is adorable! Thanks so much for sharing this great tutorial!
In addition to paper crafting, I'm a Longaberger consultant....your basket is simply awesome! The weavers in Dresden would be extremely proud of your work (and tutorial!!!). Thanks for doing something different!!! Wonderful work!!
Lori G from PA
I am stunned! This is a fabulous tutorial!!! Thank you so much for making and sharing it with us!
Laura, this is my basket, it is not the best, I think the second one will be a lot better, LOL
Thanks for the tutorial
God bless
Fab tutorial - and the pictures are a BIG help. I will defo give this a shot.
Awesome basket and tutorial.
Congratulations on your MFT win! You did a fantastic job!
CONGRATS laura!!!! I knew you were going to win!!! Thanks for the FAB tutorial... I will gace to give it a whirl...when I'm not so tired!
Simply amazing, Laura!! Congrats on your Guest Spot!!! Can't wait to see what you do!! And I'm totally gonna give this a go! Thanks for taking the time to do up an amazing tutorial!!
I was so excited to see that you had put up a tutorial to this ... I had been looking at it and was trying to figure out how you put it together.
TFS! and I love your blog!
Great tutorial... I think I'll give it a try for Easter gifts.... Thanks for putting all the work into the tutorial!
This basket was so deserving of the win.. You did an excellent job on this and I absolutely love it..
Thank you for the tutorial.. I will DEFINITELY be making one of these..
Congrats again, hun!!!
Look out, Longaberger! This is gorgeous! Thank you for taking the time to explain and document the directions so well!
Your pictorial was excellent!! Thank you so much. As one who usually sticks to simpler projects, I'm really pleased and proud that I was able to accomplish this basket. It can be seen at Thank you again. Your blog is a favorite!
Excellent tutorial instructions and pictures!
This basket is AWESOME and CONGRATULATIONS on your win to the MFT guest designer contest! I made one and it was a bit of a rough start but I got the hang of it and I have to say that I LOVE IT! This is such a great way to give little handmade gifts. I will use this again and again. Thank you so much for the inspiration and the tutorial. Stacy
You can see my basket on my blog:
OH my word! This is AWESOME! What a great tutorial too! I can't WAIT to make one of these!
I had so much fun making these. I made two fo them. Thank you so much for this wonderful tutorial. I altered one of them a little bit to make it a little taller and rounder to look more like an Easter Basket. They are in my SCS gallery
Also congrats on being a guest designer, you so desreve it ~
Wow! Great tutorial and super cute basket!!!!
I can't WAIT to give it a try. It won't be today (I work later today) but I sure hope I can find some time to try this weekend. I LOVE IT!!!
Thanks for the tutorial and for sharing. YOU ROCK!!! :)
Thanks so much for sharing and the tutorial. Great job.
this is FANTASTIC! thanks for sharing, I will have to try one some day
Wow, this would blow the sox off my customers who are Longaberger fans! I hope I can try this out sometime!
Thanks so much for the awesome tutorial!
now just how cute is that???!!! that is just amazing! :)
Awsome tutorial! Thank you so much for sharing!
Well, I've stayed up way too late, but now I have one of these cute baskets! Thanks so much for the awesome tutorial! As soon as I decorate it, I'll send you a pic. Great project and Great tutorial! Thank you! NOw, I'm off to bed...
thank you for a fantastic tutorial, I made a basket and linked it to your blog, jenny x
I am so, so, so impressed! what a fantastic project and your tutorial just fab! Well Done! I found a link to your blog on Chat's blog me, my stamps and I and I'm so glad I did your work is gorgeous!
Thanks for sharing!
Like the others! WOW! WOW! WOW! This is awesome. You did an outstanding job on your tutorial. Cannot wait to try this.
Janis L U
Loved your basket and had to make one...I did not distress this one but will the next one...directions should say to eat chocolate before starting!! Ü Tessie St John
Where were you when I was in Las Vegas 5- 6 times a year visiting my granddaughter (and her mom & dad)? I longed for someone to play with and didn't have any idea that people as creative as you were nearby. This is too cute! Thanks for sharing.
wow...this is just so adorable!!! Baskets and stamps are my loves...I will have to save this and try it out soon! TFS.
Hi Laura!! I just came across your fabulous blog by following a link to your basket tutorial and I just made my first one! Whala!~ Ok, have to admit, I wish I wouldda stuck with one color ;o) but overall, I like the outcome and can't wait til tomorrow when I help my girls make them! THANKS SO MUCH for the great picture tute!! :) Oh ya, Here's my basket:
Hi Laura- I absolutely love this basket. Your tutorial was superb- couldn't have been better. Here is the link to my basket:
I put a link to your tutorial in my post- I don't know how else to link it.
Wow! This is so cool! Thanks for the tutorial, I can't wait to make one!
Thanks so much for this tutorial. Here's a link to mine:
Hi Laura
Thank you so much for the detailed basket tutorial (technically challenged people like me need clear instructions and photos for things like this lol)
I found your instructions so clear and easy to understand. Only problem was that I had to give it a try even though it was 11.30 at night at the time.
Here is the link to my little basket.
It's not nearly as neat as yours (which is beautiful) but I posted it on my blog just to show my very first attempt.
Thank you again
I love this little basket!! Here's the link for mine. Thanks for the inspiration!!
Laura this is such a great tutorial! Thanks so much for this!!! It took me a LOOOONNNNGGGGG time to do it, but I did!
Here it is:
That basket is awesome...thank for the tutorial. I made one and is really cute.
Laura, Thank you for this great tutorial! I've only been stamping for 1 year and I look forward to trying something new! These are perfect gifts for spring! Very cool and creative not to mention beautiful! I can't wait to try it! Thanks for sharing and the time you put into the tutorial. You're a blessing to all of us!
ok you have the patience of a saint. After two hours of trying to keep my 'weave' straight- I tossed it and released myself from the curse of perfectionism.
I bow to you oh great and creative one....
wow - that is amazing! I will humbly attempt this sometime soon! thank you so much for sharing!
wow, how wonderful and what a cheap storage idea, not to mention gorgeous to look at. i thank you for your excellent tuturial. cant wait to start mine xxx
That's one awesome tutorial! Thanks so much for sharing it with us. You can check out the one I made here:
Thank you so much for sharing this. What a great basket! I will try this soon. Maybe even tonight!
How stinkin' fun is this! I actually weave baskets, and I've woven some card fronts but never thought of this. TFS!!!! Lovin' your blog!
Thank Laura, this is lovely! I posted a link about it on my blog-thank you!
Thanks for posting this. I made one today and it turned out pretty well -- the bottom thin strips gave me some trouble and I have some that are more bubbly than others . . . but mostly it is just fine. Hopefully I can get it posted on my blog tonight. Oh, and I ran out of paper for the inside part, so I just used the matching ribbon on the inside edge and that actually worked really well :) Thought I would post that in case someone else wanted to try that idea.
Thanks again!
This is absolutely gorgeous! Unfortunately, I failed at my attempt to make it. I really tried but I couldn't get the first set of strips to weave, stay in place and look right.
Love your basket! Thanks so much for sharing the instructions. I just made one of my own today, a bsket full of flowers: Best regards from Sweden.
So nice basket! That I have to try!
I made one....awesome project, thanks for sharing the idea!
Here is mine
Beautiful. Thanks for sharing your instructions!
What a super basket! came here through SCS Linsy Rickett used your tutorial and made a great Patriotic basket- thank you so much for sharing your tutorial on this!
Absolutely Gorgeous!!!
Breathtakingly Beautiful!!!
This Basket is truely Amazing...
Thanks for Sharing!!
Great Tutorial!!
Thank you for the great instructions on this paper basket! I found it harder to make than I thought it would be. But I finished it, and you can see it on my blog. Thanks!
WOW. Speechless. Amazing!
These baskets are fabulous. I have spent about two hours tonight searching blogs and looking at these. Ulrika M posted a comment above with a link that wouldn't work for me, but I finally got it to work by just using " " and then looking in April's posts. Her blog is written in Sweedish so it took me a while to find it, but you all MUST look at this basket that Laura inspired Ulrika made. OMG! Wonders NEVER cease. This has GOT to be one of the most gorgeous things I've ever seen. Laura, Thank you so much for the tutorial and the inspiration.
This is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing and this is one of the most original thing I have seen in a long, long time and definitely gonna try one... Beautiful! Nancy
Hi Laura, I love your basket. I live in Vegas too. Would love to get together with you.
e-mail me
Totally awesome... cutest thing i have seen on the internet in a long time. Great idea! I did try it...
TFL Nancy
Wow! who needs longaberger? Wow..this is just a WOW! project!thank you for the tutorial! You make it look so easy, but I will definitely want to try this. I have a lot of longaberger that this will be amazing to put next to them!
All I can say is wow..great tutorial too!. This I will make.
i finally got a couple made and posted here if you would lie to see:
Thanks so much for the great tutorial.
Wow! I just found your basket tutorial and I can't believe how wonderful this is, where have I been? I can't believe I've never seen this before now. Can't wait to try one.
Okay, here is mine. Thanks again!
Thank you so much for the awesome step by step tutorial! I LOVE your clever and super cute!!! I can't wait to make some of my own...yeah, most likely more than one lol Thanks again :)
Awesome and beatiful!!
What an awesome tutorial and basket!!!! I can't wait to try this!
Laura, I'd love for the members on Paper Craft Planet to see this -- please email me at if you would like to be a guest tutorial writer. We'd be thrilled to feature your work!
Wow....I wish I would have seen this before Easter. Simply beautiful!!! I'm gonna make one anyway! becky h
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Great idea, thank you for sharing!
Thanks for sharing this wonderful basket tutorial whish I usede for my 3D project.
Thank you so much for a great tutorial. Here is my take on it
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